A list of elements on how to conduct effective support groups (based on The Executive Committee Model).
Help people make the connection with baptism in all of life and ministry.
Encendiendo un movimiento: El compromiso con la Misión de Dios ayuda a nuestros colegas en el ministerio y amistades en Cristo a definir lo que significa ser una iglesia conexional, una iglesia de Mateo 25, y la Iglesia que pide nuestra fe. Incluye información sobre las ofrendas especiales de la Iglesia, el apoyo a las misiones compartidas y capitaciones.
Ten Things Learned about Encouraging Young People Toward Ministry
Engage the Gospel, Discipleship, Your Community and Church Shifts
Engage is about effective evangelism that is part of a disciple making church culture that emphasizes both the importance of social justice and faith sharing. It begins with the Jesus question, “who do you say that I am?”
This article, which appeared in the October 2008 issue of DisciplesWorld, explains how to handle problems when discussing faith traditions.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) teaches that one way Christians can be faithful is through service in the armed forces. There are important points if you are considering enlisting.
A GAMC initiative in partnership with middle governing bodies and the Board of Pensions.
Continue seasonal celebrations into the new year with a special worship on Epiphany, January 6. Article includes hymn suggestions.
Errata sheet for the print and Kindle versions of the Book of Order 2011-2013