March 21–24, 2011
The Churchwide Coordinating Team of Presbyterian Women (CCT/PW) meets twice each year (in Gathering years, one meeting will be the Business Meeting at the Gathering).
September 26-29, 2011
The Churchwide Coordinating Team of Presbyterian Women (CCT/PW) meets twice each year (in Gathering years, one meeting will be the Business Meeting at the Gathering).
The 212th General Assembly (2000) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) directed the Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns (ACWC), "to look at emerging issues related to clergywomen serving in parish ministry, including the decreasing numbers of clergywomen available for service; proportionately lower numbers of women serving congregations; and the increasing numbers of women leaving parish ministry" (
Minutes, 2000, Part I, p. 317).
A sermon by the Rev. Dr. Kevin E. Frederick
Guidelines for coaching, provided the International Coaching Federation.
By the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, 2007.
This report examines concerns that some initiatives to stop human trafficking have proved counter-productive for the very people they were supposed to benefit.
The biblical theme of “exile” guides this policy statement. After offering a working definition and an account of the historical context, the report focuses on two major themes. The first theme is “The Land of Exile,” which explores the difficulties and injustices endured by people with serious mental illness. The experience of mental illness disorders people’s lives in ways that exile them from themselves, their families, and their community. The second theme, “God’s Call to Comfort,” focuses on appropriate ways congregations can minister with and to people with a serious mental illness. Throughout this report, people are understood from a …
A Commendation of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the Florida Tomato Growers Exchange on their Historic Fair Food Agreement. Written November, 2010, by The Rev. Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly.
Certified by the presbytery of the church’s membership, where the Commissioned Lay Pastor is serving.
This Commitment to Share Good News Statement of Intention is for your session or group to complete and submit to participate in the Commitment to Share Good News program.