The Educator Certification process of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) requires educational components that equal 180 contact hours (18 credit hours) for the Certified Christian Educator over the span of seven knowledge and skill areas.
Since the adoption of Peacemaking the Believers' Calling in 1980-1981 , peacemaking has become increasingly important in the life of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The Research Unit estimates that by 1987, 47 percent of the church’s 11,600 congregations had made a commitment of some kind to the cause of peacemaking through their sessions. Peacemaking committees and committed individuals have been exploring and implementing ways to put those commitments into action. Out of all this interest and activity, questions have inevitably emerged as to the most appropriate peacemaking strategies for individual Christians and for corporate bodies: congregations, presbyteries, synods, and the General Assembly. …
This resource explains the historic relationship between Christians and Muslims and ways to encourage dialogue and understanding.
Christians and the Holocaust is a reprint of an older resource that is still useful for study and for planning commemorative events.
Side by side comparison of new Church Discipline (2023) to former Rules of Discipline - New to Old
Side by side comparison of new Church Discipline (2023) to former Rules of Discipline - Old to New
이 시험은 “미국 장로교의 헌법 구조에 대해, 그리고 상이한 것들이 적절히 해결되고 교회의 선교를 완수하기 위한 프로그램들이 결정되는 방법에 대한 후보생의 실용적 지식을 평가해 줍니다.”
Information on historical documents and prayers related to the pursuit of peace on the Korean Peninsula.
February7-9, 2012
The Churchwide Coordinating Team of Presbyterian Women (CCT/PW) meets twice each year (in Gathering years, one meeting will be the Business Meeting at the Gathering).