Celebrating the Miracle: Worship Resources for Addictions Awareness Services has been designed to be used as an order of service either for Sunday morning or a special evening service. Feel free to use all or any parts of this worship resource as appropriate for your congregation.
Congregations encouraging Cents-Ability invite every member — of all ages — to contribute a few cents at every meal to help alleviate hunger. The Cents-Ability guide offers information on how to initiate and implement a Cents-Ability program, worship resources, and promotional ideas. Includes ideas for congregations, families, youth, and children who want to help fight hunger. (39 pages)
Prepared by chaplains Bonita Barnes and James Ryan, this worship liturgy provides a thorough how-to guide for any congregations wishing to offer healing and restoration to their returning veterans—and to themselves.
Certified Christian Educators and Certified Associate Christian Educators in the PC (USA)
A collection of resources to help children who are victims of domestic violence.
Chart and explanation of the ways children cope with family violence
Effect on children living in violent households
by the Rev. Ralph Garlin Clingan
I have included here some seamier aspects of military service and US history. Not only our beloved Presbyterians for Disability Concerns (PDC) network but all of our social justice networks of the Presbyterian Health, Education & Welfare Association (PHEWA) must address the problems created by combat. We children of the war racket’s red glare speak and act and want the church to join us.
Children can participate and learn some strategies to stay safe during violent episodes in their homes. The goal is for them to seek safety and to know where and how to get help. It is not their role to stop the violence. Before engaging in a conversation with your child, remember to consider what are the best age-appropriate actions they can take. Children are more likely to follow through with a plan when they have been part of creating it themselves.
When it’s time to consider having a campaign specialist assist your church with planning and implementing a capital campaign, there are several key areas that you should assess in being sure she/he is the right fit for your congregation.