Commissioned Lay Pastors in the Presbyterian Church
Use this matrix to decide why and when to use a CLP
The Commitment to Peacemaking was introduced to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in 1983. Since then more than 4,500 congregations and other groups have affirmed the Commitment and used it to shape faithful and creative ministries of peace and justice.
The purpose of the Trainers Network is to provide training for Committees on Preparation for Ministry, using the gifts, skills and knowledge of experienced Presbyterians who have served or are serving fruitfully on Committee for Preparation for Ministry.
Comparison chart of the current Foundations and Form of Government to the previous Form of Government.
Comparison chart of the previous Form of Government to the current Foundations and Form of Government.
Comparison of Heidelberg Catechism (current to proposed): the current wording of the Heidelberg catechism compared, side by side, with the proposed new translation of the catechism.
A side by side comparison of the proposed amendment of W-4.9000 on marriage and the current wording.
Plan example from Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, Black Mountain, N.C.
A joint congregational witness is a mission strategy of a presbytery. When its strategy for mission requires it, a presbytery may approve a joint congregational witness between PC(USA) congregations and congregations of other Christian churches.i Accordingly, a joint congregational witness can only be formed by the joining of two or more separate congregations, one of which is a PC(USA) congregation.