Este documento describe el proceso de discernimiento espiritual en comunidad, que ha ayudado al Grupo de Trabajo Teológico sobre la Paz, Unidad y Pureza de la iglesia y a otros grupos a buscar la guía del Espíritu Santo y a vivir su llamamiento.
La Oficina de la Asamblea General ha visto un aumento en el número de indagaciones sobre materiales impresos fuera de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (E.U.A.), que se están distribuyendo en nuestras congregaciones y que atribuyen a la Iglesia Presbiteriana (E.U.A.) creencias y estándares que pretenden demostrar que la iglesia ya no es digna de apoyo. En los últimos años la lista de distorsiones ha variado poco y la mayoría se han contestado en detalle en la prensa religiosa, en documentos de estudio adoptados por la iglesia o por acción específica de la Asamblea General.[i] Siempre que es posible, la Oficina de la Asamblea General responde a quienes indagan sobre conclusiones específicas extraidas de estos documentos dirigiéndoles hacia recursos que brindan una visión más amplia de los asuntos.
The Diverse Supplier List for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) can be downloaded here. If you are looking for a particular vendor that is not on the list, contact Octavia Craig at 502-569-5004.
Version 4, updated 2018 Earth Care Congregations are congregations that have committed to the “Earth Care Pledge” and accomplished a specific number of actions toward caring for God’s earth in four categories: worship, education, facilities, and outreach. Congregations earning 25 points in each of the four categories will be certified as Earth Care Congregations and receive various honors. Congregation members will also be invited to participate as individuals by completing similar actions in their homes. A Guide to Greening Presbyterian Churches provides congregations with worksheets, resources, and instructions for becoming an Earth Care Congregation. The four categories of actions in …
Ecclesiastical endorsement is an official declaration by the presbytery of membership/care that a person seeking certification as a chaplain or pastoral counselor has the gifts of ministry for this special calling. It is not a statement of competency.
Ideally, we’re looking for an article between 500 and 800 words, written in a news-reporting style featuring highlights and quotes, including who and how many children are served through this ministry – whether it’s a tutoring program serving 20 children or a local advocacy effort affecting 25,000 students in your district. If any congregations involved take the Pentecost Offering - see or "Pentecost Offering 101" in this toolkit - and use any of the proceeds that stay with the congregation to help fund this ministry, please indicate that as well. If you’d like to see the full …
The handbook is the most recent version, dated 2024. This Handbook is provided to assist Christian educators to become:
Employment Guidance for Sessions and Session Personnel Committees is intended for congregations of all types and sizes as almost all congregations have some kind of “employment” relationship with someone. There are always aspects of employment that need to be managed in order to ensure that the congregation is in compliance with both Presbyterian polity and applicable law.
Engage: The Gospel, Your Community and Discipleship, presented by Ray Jones at the 2010 Congregational Transformation Conference.
Matthew 25 is uniquely suited for children. This Quicksheet provides examples of meaningful service opportunities for children to engage in with their family, congregation and community.