The New Form of Government Adopted in 2011 is intentionally different in tone and purpose from recent earlier versions. Rather than a regulatory manual that provides guidance for all that we do as a church, it is a description of our common life. It begins with a new section of the Book of Order “Foundational Principles” that lay out the important theological and ecclesial principles for the church’s life. In the Form of Government which follows many of the details have been removed, leaving a broad framework within which councils of the church discern what is the best course of …
당회를 위한 정책 및 절차 안내서
개체교회는 특정 상황에서 하나님의 사명에 참여하는 교회이다. 회중을 통해 하나님의 백성들은 선포 사역과 성례전 나누기, 그리고 하나님과 이웃들과 언약 생활에서 살아가기를 수행한다. 회중의 삶에서 개인 신자들은 세상에서 그리고 세상을 향한 하나님의 사랑과 은혜에 대한 증거 사역을 위해 준비되어 있다. 회중은 사람들과 공동체와 세상에 예수 그리스도의 복음을 전하고, 예배를 드리며, 하나님의 자녀를 돌보고, 사회 정의와 의를 구하고, 진리와 세상에 다가오는 하나님의 통치를 증거한다 (G-1.0101).
당회는 개체 교회를 위한 협의회이며, 개 교회를 통치하고 세상의 하나님의 주권적인 활동에 대한 증거를 인도할 책임이 있으므로 개체 교회는 믿음, 소망, 사랑과 증인의 공동체가 된다. 당회는 교회의 증언으로 교회의 표지(F-1.0302)를 유지하도록 …
The Mission Work Plan provides the framework for directing, supporting, and evaluating the ministries of the General Assembly Council of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This plan builds upon previous Mission Work Plans, and is intended to encompass the years 2013-2016.
The Mission Work Plan of the General Assembly Mission Council that was approved by the Council in February 2012 consists of statements of Vision, Mission, Directional Goals and Core Values that were developed in a comprehensive process over seven months, and involving inputs from hundreds of church leaders, including GAMC members, and GAMC staff members, and hours of prayer and deliberation by the staff and elected members of the strategy planning teams. This GAMC Strategy White Paper is the result of that work.
The Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) met on February 8, 2013, and reviewed shareholder resolutions being submitted to corporations for their 2013 Annual Meetings. These resolutions concern social and ethical issues related to the corporations' business operations and policies. MRTI adopted recommendations on voting of proxies in support or opposition to these resolutions, or whether a formal vote of abstention should be recorded.
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) urges divestment and/or proscription of some corporations due to their involvement in military-related production, tobacco, or human rights violations. Read a comprehensive list of corporations or securities affected by those General Assembly policies.
2017 년 당회 연례 통계 보고를 위한 지침
English instructions for Session Annual Statistical Report for the year 2017
The 2019 Gun Violence Resource packet provides congregations and mid-councils a robust package of material to help congregations put thoughts and prayers about gun violence into obedient action. The packet is a mixture of online and print resources compiled by the ministries of Compassion, Peace and Justice over the course of the last decade, but still maintain present-day value. Additional resources offered:
2020 Liturgical Colors from 2019-2020 Presbyterian Planning Calendar