Immovable deadline, say hello to indominable spirit and unrelenting faith.
A few simple practices of being present, listening before speaking, being vulnerable and seeking common ground can build community.
After completing two full days of committee business, the Theology, Worship and Education (TWE) Committee faced a lighter — if no less weighty — agenda on its concluding day of Assembly work.
On the final day of its pre-plenary work, the Polity Committee approved two actions for the full Assembly to consider.
The first seeks changes to the Book of Order that include language instructing adoption and implementation of policies concerning sexual harassment, child and youth protection and antiracism.
The Mid Councils Committee spent the bulk of its final day of business at the 225th General Assembly reconsidering and ultimately approving an overture it had disapproved by a vote of 17-14 the previous day.
Commissioners, advisory delegates, and staff of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are learning this week that Covid has not gone away. Leaders of the 225th General Assembly learned Wednesday morning that a handful of commissioners and one staff member have tested positive. At this point, only mild symptoms are reported among the group, but they were not able to attend their final committee meetings in person.
It was the look on the faces of young people that the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins remembers best from the march to end cash bail held in St. Louis during the 223rd General Assembly (2018).
Los comisionados, delegados asesores y el personal de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) están aprendiendo esta semana que el Covid no se ha ido. Los líderes de la 225ª Asamblea General se enteraron el miércoles por la mañana que un puñado de comisionados y un miembro del personal han dado positivo. En este momento, sólo se han registrado síntomas leves en el grupo, pero no han podido asistir en persona a las últimas reuniones del comité.
미국 장로교 총회 대의원, 자문단, 직원들은 이번 주에 코비드가 사라지지 않았다는 사실을 알게 되었다. 지난 수요일 아침에 제 225회 총회 주관자들은 상당 수의 대의원과 한 명의 직원이 코비드 양성 반응을 보인 것을 알게 되었다. 현재 모두 경미한 증상만이 보고되었으나, 마지막 날의 위원회 회의에 직접 참여할 수 없었다.
본회의 예비 활동의 마지막 날, 정책위원회는 전체 의회가 고려할 두 가지 조치를 승인했다.