Jeff Moles cree que es importante que los delegados a GA225 (Louisville) escuchen las voces de los líderes más jóvenes en la iglesia.
Moles es director de Educación Cristiana y Misión de la Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana de Owensboro, y líder de equipo para los Jóvenes Delegados Asesores (YAADs) que participan en la Asamblea General híbrida de este año.
Due mainly to Covid, many churches are experiencing transitions as pastors are leaving and new pastors are taking over.
35년 전, 루이빌 시는 점심 시간에 시내에서 큰 파티를 열었다. 기업들은 오후에 문을 닫았고, 거리는 막혔고, 사람들은 미국장로교에 "루이빌로 이사오신 걸 환영합니다"라는 메시지를 보내도록 초대 받았다.
Jeff Moles believes it is important for delegates to GA225 (Louisville) to hear from the voices of younger leaders in the church.
Moles is director of Christian Education and Mission for First Presbyterian Church in Owensboro, Kentucky, and team leader for the Young Adult Advisory Delegates (YAADs) participating in this year’s hybrid General Assembly.
Hace 35 años, la ciudad de Louisville organizó una gran fiesta en el centro durante la hora del almuerzo. Los asuntos cerraron por la tarde, las calles fueron bloqueadas y se invitó a la gente a enviar un mensaje a la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.): "Múdense a Louisville".
Thirty-five years ago, the city of Louisville threw a huge party in downtown during lunch hour. Businesses closed for the afternoon, streets were blocked, and people were invited to send a message to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), “Locate to Louisville.”
Churches can use rituals as a tool to help people in mid and later life to peacefully and joyfully embrace their life’s transitions.
Presbyterian mission co-workers offer practical advice on how to be thoughtful travelers when going off on a mission trip abroad.
Meeting Sunday, the Bills and Overtures Committee voted 19-0 to refer eight commissioner resolutions to other committees of the 225th General Assembly for their consideration.
During today’s Juneteenth worship service inside the chapel of the Presbyterian Center, the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly preached from the Book of Isaiah, connecting the life of the prophet to the experiences of many Presbyterians in the past two years.