The Environmental Justice Committee of the 225th General Assembly concluded its business on Saturday after creating a revised version of ENV-09 that embraces selective divestment as “the most effective leverage” for holding companies responsible when it comes to protecting the planet through “active engagement.”
During its final day of business Saturday, the Health, Safety and Benefits Committee approved most of the recommendations made by the Survivors of Sexual Misconduct Task Force. The recommendations of the task force, moderated by the Rev. Carol Howard Merritt, were contained in HSB-05, which with all the amendments commissioners proposed on Saturday took the committee most of the day to complete.
The Committee on Race and Gender Justice finished its work on Saturday, approving three resolutions that reflected the committee’s intersecting focuses: disparities experienced by Black women and girls, racism as a public health crisis, and violence and hate against Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (AA, NH, PI).
The second round of committee meetings at the 225th General Assembly wrapped up Saturday afternoon with no reports of positive Covid cases during the three-day gathering.
안건 논의 마지막 날인 토요일, 보건, 안전 및 복리후생 위원회는 성적 비행 생존자 태스크포스가 제출한 모든 건의안을 승인했다. 캐롤 하워드 메리트 목사가 진행한 특별위원회의 권고 사항은 HSB-05에 담겨 있다. 이 날, 대의원들이 제안한 모든 수정 사항에 대해 위원회는 하루 종일 시간을 할애해 완료했다.
El Comité de Justicia Ambiental de la 225ª Asamblea General concluyó su trabajo el sábado tras crear una versión revisada de la ENV-09 que adopta la desinversión selectiva como "la palanca más eficaz" para responsabilizar a las empresas de la protección del planeta mediante un "compromiso activo".
제225회 총회의 환경 정의위원회는 "적극적 참여를 통해 지구를 보호하는 데 책임을 지는 회사를 만들기 위한 "가장 효과적인 지렛대"로 선택적 매각을 수용하는 ENV-09의 개정판을 만든 후 토요일 논의를 종료했다."
Durante su último día de trabajo el sábado, el Comité de Salud, Seguridad y Beneficios aprobó la mayoría de las recomendaciones hechas por el Grupo de Trabajo de Sobrevivientes de Abuso Sexual. Las recomendaciones del grupo de trabajo, moderadas por la Rvda. Carol Howard Merritt, estaban contenidas en HSB-05, que con todas las enmiendas propuestas el sábado, los comisionados tardaron la mayor parte del día en completarse.
Equity primes have taken their place at the 225th General Assembly along with substantial technological advances and the widespread use of masks and social distancing.
The Committee on Addressing Violence in the U.S.A. concluded its business Saturday after considering two overtures, [VIOL-08] On Living in Healthy Relationships Free of Violence and Coercion and [VIOL-09] On Commending and Recommending the Guns to Garden Movement.