The Westminster Shorter Catechism in English.
The Westminster Shorter Catechism in Spanish
A collection of 12 testimonies demonstrating the unique and common aspects of the call to ministry. This resource aims to inspire and challenge especially young racial ethnic leaders to consider the call to ministry.
PADVN information sheet Dating violence defined. What to do if you or someone you know experiences dating violence. Places to get more information.
DatoVeloz #15 - Se necesita toda una aldea
DatoVeloz #18 - Adolescentes en transicion
DatoVeloz #33 - El ministerio social, digital, movil y la juventud
DatoVeloz #4 - Jovenes como lideres de la ninez
DatoVeloz #5 - Permaneza en contacto con estudiantes universitarios/as
Ideas prácticas para ayudar a los jóvenes a explorar la temporada de cuaresma.