Presbyterians Today | 2014 Lenten Devotional
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Learn about the structure, committees, officers and meetings of Presbyterian Women at the churchwide level.
These bylaws were adopted on July 16, 2009, and revised on July 20, 2012, again in November 2014, and a third time in June 2015.
The process of discovering God’s call — For inquirers and candidates and Committees on Preparation For Ministry
This file contains the text of the Form of Government as printed in the Book of Order 2009/2011, which was made null and void by the affirmative vote of a majority of presbyteries on the new Foundations of Presbyterian Polity and the new Form of Government as printed in the Book of Order 2011/2013. Presbyteries may want to use the text of the 2009/2011 Form of Government in transitional manuals.
Este escrito sirvió como recurso de discusión durante la preparación del informe final del Grupo de Trabajo Teológico de la Paz, la Unidad y Pureza de la Iglesia.
Final version of Church Discipline - as of January 2022.
The following resources are also available:
The 222nd General Assembly (2016) created a Rules of Discipline Task Force, to be charged with revising the entire Rules of Discipline to make the Rules of Discipline more accessible to the church, to preserve and enhance the accountability of councils and individuals to the church, to expand the role of mediation and alternate dispute resolution, and to provide flexibility in crafting …
Obtaining a quality education is a key to improving livelihoods and opening doors to opportunities for employment. Learn how PC(USA) and partners around the world work to educate all by helping to improve school systems, support apprenticeship programs, and organizing action days focused on improving children’s literacy.
Presbyterians yearn to join in partnership with the global church, coming together as one body in Christ. It is in the spirit of partnership with our brothers and sisters in other places that the PC(USA), through an action of the 212th General Assembly in 2000, encouraged congregations, presbyteries, synods and other church bodies to “do mission in partnership.” Presbyterian World Mission's international partnership manual helps Presbyterians better understand "mission in partnership" and provides advice for establishing and maintaining a mission partnership.
After you and potential mission partners have become acquainted through exchanges of communication, information and, perhaps, visits, one next step may be to consider creating a partnership agreement or covenant. Most partnerships are created for a three- to five-year period and are often renewed for subsequent periods. It is vital that both partners have equal input into the creation of the agreement. A meaningful covenant is created or co-authored in a process that is based upon dialogue, mutual consideration and cooperation. Use this resource to help guide you through the process of creating a partnership agreement.
Regular, joint reviews should be part of your partnership covenant or agreement. A review is an important process by which you and your partner discuss how the relationship is going and how any joint projects or ministries are progressing. Use this resource to help guide you through the review process.