This list of volunteers serve the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as members of the PAN Leadership Team through advocacy, education and the development of resources.
The Leadership Team welcomes you to share a model of ministry, ask questions about HIV/AIDS or contact them if you would like help starting an HIV/AIDS ministry in your congregation.
This social involvement report, approved by the 219th General Assembly (2010), summarizes the wealth of moral resources we have available to draw upon in confronting the current economic crisis. It then proposes basic ways we may support the re-balancing of the economy for fairness. This resolution lifts up five key values: human rights, a covenantal approach to mutual responsibility, engagement with the public order, work in service of vocation, and sustainability.
El presente manual responde a las recomendaciones de la Asamblea General 2002 al aprobar el documento de Estrategia para el ministerio con grupos hispanos/latinos en la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EUA) conocido como la Estrategia Hispana (EH). La EH sirvió de orientación para las recomendaciones elaboradas en la Consulta Presbiteriana Nacional/Hispano/ Latina 2005, celebrada en Dallas, Texas, del 19 al 22 de octubre de 2005.
In addition to the Organization for Mission, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board also has a specific manual of administrative operations that governs its work. The PMAB Manual of Operations shall be in compliance with the Book of Order, the General Assembly Deliverance's, the Organization for Mission, and the Standing Rules of the General Assembly.
This document includes:
This document includes:
This document includes:
The Manual for the 226th General Assembly (2024) includes:
(as of February 16, 2024)
디트로이트의 221 번째 총회 (2014)에서 일어난 결혼 정의의 변화 개요.
Overview of the change in the definition of marriage, which took place at the 221st General Assembly (2014) in Detroit.