Quicksheets #74 Still Crazy after all These Years: Educational Ministry for the long haul
Quicksheets #75 Mission Trips: How to take the experience home
Quicksheets #76 Mission Trips: How to get organized
Quicksheets #77 Planning Your First Mission Trip
Just Eating? Practicing Our Faith at the Table Leader's Guide is a seven-session curriculum for congregations that explores the relationship between the way we eat and the way we live, published by the Presbyterian Hunger Program.This version was adapted for use in African American Congregations with the partnership of several churches in the Chicago area.
The study uses scripture, prayer and stories from the local and global community to explore five key aspects of our relationship with food:
Since September 11, raids have increasingly become a part of immigration enforcement policy. Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) set up operations throughout the US in order to check the immigration status of those employed or living in our communities. Agents round up workers and conduct interviews demanding to see paperwork and documentation. Many times workers are interviewed based on their appearance and some of those arrested are legal residents or citizens. Such broad and massive stings sweep up many people including those who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. In fact, between 2006 and 2007 …
Provides for the appointment of an elder (or a group of persons including at least one elder) to act as liaison with the inquirer/candidate and the presbytery’s Committee on Preparation for Ministry and to participate with the inquirer/candidate and the presbytery’s committee as they explore and evaluate his or her progress in the preparation for ministry.
Recordamos una narración bíblica que moldea nuestros compromisos interreligiosos
Acercamiento a través del trabajo interreligioso
Por J. Herbert Nelson, II
Secretario Permanente de la Asamblea General
Saludos en el nombre de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo:
Después de un mes de servir en la Oficina de la Asamblea General (OGA) de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) como Secretario Permanente, está claro que hay sirvientes de Dios conocedores y comprometidos en nuestra denominación. He recibido llamadas, tarjetas, correos electrónicos, cartas, textos, tweets y mensajes de voz que ofrecen apoyo y oraciones. Les agradezco sus expresiones de apoyo a nuestra denominación y …
An essay by the Rev. Anne H. K. Apple that talks about the theological nature of Christ‘s church and a life of service within it, particularly with a focus upon the training.
The preparation process requires that Committees on Preparation for Ministry, because of their pivotal role, be well prepared, committed and effective. Presbyteries will need to give added attention and support to their committees to enable them to do the important work assigned and outlined for them by the Constitution.