This guide, written by Mary Westervelt with layout and graphics by Lauren Diamond, tells the story of how one church, Trinity Presbyterian Church in Berwyn, PA, a certified Earth Care Congregation, began the process of changing the landscaping, installing rain gardens, terraces, and infiltration beds to retain storm water, and planting native flowering plants and shrubs to attract pollinators and birds.
Daniel Lewis' winning 2010 entry for the Samuel Robinson Award.
A recent publication with findings from the U.S. Congregational Life Survey about New Presbyterian Churches.
National Network of Presbyterian College Women provides this list of Web sites, books, music, movies and TV shows that have in some way moved, inspired or challenged young women from all over the world. You must check it out!
Photographs, art, map from a No Gun Ri presentation
Adopted in June 2000 through diplomatic talks held June 13 to 15, 2000, between leaders of North and South Korea. In this declaration, North and South agreed to settle humanitarian issues, including exchange of visiting groups of separated families and relatives, and the issue of unconverted long-term prisoners.
By the Rev. Rufus Burton, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Martinsburg, W.Va.
A presentation by the Rev. Rufus Burton to the Faculty Initiative Conference of Re-Forming Ministry, dated February 16, 2009.
The Presbyterian world mission movement might never have taken off without the skills and commitment of women. Forty-five Presbyterian missionaries were already serving overseas when their denomination established a Board of Foreign Missions in 1837—and nearly half of those early missionaries were women. This article, reproduced courtesy of Presbyterians Today magazine, tells that story.
La Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.), en sus decisiones recientes acerca de la ordenación y del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, está tratando de trazar un camino hacia adelante que es retador. Hemos decidido no declarar, como denominación si las relaciones sexuales entre personas de un mismo sexo pueden ser (dentro de ciertas condiciones como el matrimonio u otra forma clara de compromiso) consideradas como fieles y santas. Nos hemos puesto en este camino en dos ocasiones: en lo concerniente a la ordenación y en lo concerniente al matrimonio. Esto significa que nuestra denominación concede la legitimidad y la fidelidad …
Suggestions and observations about the interview process, particularly for those who may be new to it.