The 213th General Assembly (2001) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in reliance upon God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in exercise of its responsibility to witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every dimension of life, has approved this policy statement “Turn Mourning Into Dancing! A Policy Statement on Healing Domestic Violence.” It is presented for the guidance and edification of the whole Christian Church and the society to which its ministers; and will determine procedures and program for the Ministries Divisions and staff of the General Assembly. This policy statement is recommended for consideration and …
The 213th General Assembly (2001) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in reliance upon God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in exercise of its responsibility to witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every dimension of life, has approved this policy statement “Turn Mourning Into Dancing! A Policy Statement on Healing Domestic Violence.” It is presented for the guidance and edification of the whole Christian Church and the society to which its ministers; and will determine procedures and program for the Ministries Divisions and staff of the General Assembly. This policy statement is recommended for consideration and …
제 203차 총회(1991)는 복음 전도를 교회의 삶에 있어서 크게 강조하는 일을 계속해서 지지하였습니다. 총회가 취한 중요한 결정 중 하나는 세계복음화에 대한 우리의 책임과 헌신을 잘 표명한 [살아계신 하나님을 향하여: 예수 그리스도가 하신 복음 전도의 초대]라는 문서를 채택한 일입니다.
The 203rd General Assembly (1991) gave evangelism continued high emphasis in the life of the church. One of the actions taken by the assembly was the adoption of Turn to the Living God: A Call to Evangelism in Jesus Christ’s Way, a statement that articulates our commitment to global evangelization. Download the 25th anniversary edition of this important document and be refreshed, renewed and inspired to reach people as Jesus did.
. كان واحداً من القرارات الهامة لهذا المحفل هو تبني كتاب ، التوجه نحو الله، دعوة للكرازة علي طريق الرب يسوع المسيح، وهو بيان يوضح إلتزامنا بالكرازة للعالم. من فضلك حمل الملف المرفق وهو طبعة إحتفال مرور ٢٥ سنة علي صدور هذه الوثيقة الهامة، وأستمتع بقرائتها حتى تنتعش وتتجدد نفوسنا وننطلق للوصول للكثيرين كما فعل يسوع.
203차 총회(1991)는 교회의 삶에서 복음 전도가 계속 강조되도록 했다. 총회가 취한 행동 중 하나는 살아계신 하나님을 향하여: 예수 그리스도가 하신 복음 전도의 초대의 채택이었다. 이는 글로벌 복음화에 대한 우리의 공약을 분명히 밝히는 진술이다. 이 중요한 문서의 25주년 기념판을 다운로드하고 예수님처럼 사람들에게 다가가고자 갱신하는 영감을 얻어야 한다.
La 203a Asamblea General (1991) dio un gran énfasis para continuaren la vida de la iglesia. Una de las acciones tomadas por la asamblea fue la adopción de Vuelva al Dios Vivo: Un llamado al evangelismo a la manera de Jesucristo, una declaración que articula nuestro compromiso con la evangelización global. Descargue la edición del 25 aniversario de este importante documento; renuévese e inspírese para llegar a las personas como lo hizo Jesús.
In the following resource, we invite you to explore twelve dynamic new racial ethnic and new immigrant communities of faith. As you may know, new immigrant ministries are the fastest-growing communities of faith in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Of the 10,657 PC(USA) congregations, more than 12 percent are racial ethnic congregations. And, if we include other communities of faith, almost 15 percent of Presbyterian communities of faith are racial ethnic.
Una Guía para el Procedimiento parlamentario en la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) - Segunda Edición (2022)
Documento en formato PDF que explica la acción de la Asamblea General al crear este Programa y como tu puedes ayudar.