A list of ideas and suggestions on how to lead a contemporary Advent service.
Related pages: Season of Advent, Presbyterian Worship
The traditional themes of the Sundays of Advent are hope, peace, joy and love. Many congregations light a candle each week and focus part of the liturgy on the concept for that week. Each of these words has unique meaning in a world where an estimated 33 million people are living with HIV or AIDS and an estimated 2.7 million more people are being infected with HIV annually. Since World AIDS Day usually falls between the first and second Sundays in Advent, we will focus on the themes of hope and peace. If you are incorporating these themes into your …
Rev. Kelly Allen at University Presbyterian Church in San Antonio prepared this bulletin for immigration Sunday.
As we enter the season of Lent, the Office of Immigration Issues offers this brief study guide for the Sunday lectionary, with additional prayers for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. For each Sunday, we have prepared brief contextual notes for a few of the lectionary readings, including where possible and appropriate their context in the Bible, in history, and in interpretation. We also offer some questions and thoughts to ponder as you prepare for worship.
This choral reading and hymn text are based on Isaiah 58:1-12, one of the Old Testament readings for Ash Wednesday.
See related pages: Ash Wednesday, Season of Lent, Presbyterian Worship
신학적 대화 2017-2: 캘리포니아 주 샌디애고 소재 제일장로 교회의 담임목사인 제리 앤드류스Jerry Andrews의 "처음 500년": 신학교육 및 신학교 관계 코디네이터인 미셸 바텔Michelle Bartel은 다음과 같이 기록합니다. "우리는 대화와 학습으로 얻은 신앙의 활력을 과소 평가할 수 없습니다. 제리 앤드류스가 제공하는 것은 대화와 연구는 같은 것이라는 이유에 대한 토론입니다. 우리보다 먼저 가신 신앙의 형제 자매 선배들의 말을 들어볼 기회를 얻습니다. 이것은 우리가 결코 믿음 안에서 혼자된 적이 없었다는 것을 상기시킵니다. 그러나 앤드류스는 더욱 구체적입니다. 존 칼뱅이 읽은 사상가들의 저서를 읽음으로써 그리스도인의 분별력과 형성에 관해 우리가 배울 수 있는 것은 무엇입니까? 어거스틴과 같은 사람들은 어떻게 우리가 불확실한 시기에 앞으로 나아갈 수 있게 도와주고 …
This sheet provides objectives for various workshops, each with activities for children to learn and understand Biblical stories.
This sheet provides objectives for various workshops, each with activities for children to learn and understand Biblical stories.
Youth led worship service outline
This sheet provides objectives for various workshops, each with activities for children to learn and understand Biblical stories.