Use this card as you pray for mission co-workers David and Sue Hudson. The card includes a photo of them and their ministry. David and Sue Hudson are invited by the United Church of Christ in Japan (UCCJ) AS Liaisons for Japan Mission and Yodogawa Christian Hospital in mission partnership with the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Yodogawa Christian Hospital was established by Japan Mission in a disadvantaged area of Osaka in 1955 with seed money provided by Presbyterian Women in the U.S. The hospital remains under the direction of Japan Mission. Over the years it has grown to become one of …
Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-worker Debbie Blane. The card includes a photo of her and an overview of her work as an educator in Malakal, South Sudan as well as information on how to support Presbyterian mission.
Use this card as you pray for mission co-workers the Dennis and Maribel Smith. The card includes a photo of them and an overview of their work. Dennis cultivates the PC(USA)’s relationship with 15 historic mission partners in nine South American countries. Dennis shares their stories of faithful witness with congregations in the United States and shares with partners what he has learned in 40 years of ministry in Latin America. In addition, he supervises the other mission co-workers serving in this region and accompanies the many PC(USA) presbyteries and congregations that have mission partnerships in South America. Maribel serves in …
In a broken, sinful world, people often exploit rather than contribute to the well-being of others. This exploitation has many forms, and can be direct or indirect. This study document examines some ways by which we and others in our contemporary culture exploit persons sexually, using them rather than serving them, degrading them rather than affirming them, sometimes directly, often indirectly. It looks at some old issues - pornography, for example - in which the new sociocultural context that unites permissiveness with mass communication techniques. It discusses some recently emerged issues, sexism for example. And it suggests some directions and …
Discern Your Call brochure provides a roadmap of essential components to begin and sustain new worshiping communities.
Doug facilitates relationships between PC(USA) congregations and the church’s mission partners in Israel and Palestine, and he resources Presbyterian groups who visit the region. He cultivates connections that encourage Middle Eastern Christians and inspire U.S. Presbyterians. Following the Prince of Peace, Christians in the Middle East work tirelessly for reconciliation and render valuable service to people of all faiths. In his role, Doug says he strives to express the broader Christian calling to “employ the unique gifts, talents, and skills that we possess to further God’s reign here on earth.” He draws strength from the Presbyterian commitment to “Christ’s ministries …
Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-worker Doug Tilton. The card includes a photo of him and an overview of his work. As regional liaison for Southern Africa, Doug facilitates the PC(USA)’s relationships with its partners, supports other PC(USA) mission personnel and works with a growing number of presbytery and congregational partnerships. He also helps partners gain access to scholarships for leadership training and helps them find ways to meet one another’s needs. “I am excited and grateful when we are able to help each other to discern and apply our respective gifts to strengthen our mutual …
Use this card as you pray for Mission co-workers Bernie and Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta. The card includes a photo and overview of their work. Bernie and Farsijana teach at Duta Wacana Christian University, helping prepare Christian leaders to serve the church in the world’s largest Muslim country. Farsijana is helping develop a peace studies program while Bernie works with the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, which is the world’s first consortium that involves a Christian university, a Muslim university, and a secular university.
Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-workers Dr. John Fletcher and Gwenda Fletcher. The card includes a photo and overview of their work. John is a surgical consultant to the eight hospitals supported by the Presbyterian Community of Congo (CPC). He works with the hospitals’ staffs to improve their surgical knowledge, skills, judgment and techniques. Gwenda serves the CPC as an education consultant. She assists the CPC’s Education Department in its efforts to enhance the quality of education in the church’s 702 elementary and secondary schools. In a partnership that values mutual learning and teaching as well …