Use this card as you pray for mission co-workers David Cortes and Josey Saez Acevedo. The card includes a photo and overview of their work. David and Josey are working in partnership with the Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba. David is teaching New Testament and Greek at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Matanzas, while Josey will assist the Cuban church in Christian education efforts. “Our earliest memories of our sense of call to ministry have been in the area of education,” David says. As natives of Puerto Rico, David and Josey share some ethnic and cultural affinities with the …
I work to accompany the leaders and people of the Presbyterian Church of Honduras as they participate in theological education and organizational development as a relatively new denomination in a country riven with violence and poverty. I think of myself as a chaplain, listening reflectively and actively. I don’t often teach, but I walk with those who are learning. I don’t lead, but I am a friend to those who do. I seek to be a pastoral presence to the leaders of a church striving to be a light in darkness, a city on a hill.
Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-workers Barry and Shelly Dawson. The card includes a photo and overview of their work. Barry brings to mission service extensive ministry experience as a counselor and pastoral caregiver in international settings. He has serviced Presbyterian congregations in the United States and multi-cultural churches in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. “With eyes of faith, I can see that the providential hand of God has been shaping my life experiences and preparing my ministry to be used in the role of Regional Liaison for Southeast Asia,” he says. Shelly, a registered nurse, …
Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-workers the Rev. Dr. Bill and Ann Moore. The card includes a photo of them and an overview of their work.
In partnership with the Reformed Church in Japan, Bill and Ann are planting a new church in a rural community just north of Kobe. They reach out to people who have had very little contact with Christianity. Through Sunday school, evangelistic meetings, sponsorship of numerous community events and personal relationships, they witness to the good news of Jesus Christ in a land where there is great spiritual hunger. The Christian …
Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-workers the Rev. Dr. Dustin Ellington and Sherri Ellington. The card includes a photo and an overview of their work. Dustin teaches New Testament, Greek and preaching at Justo Mwale Theological University College, an institution that trains future pastors for service in Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe and beyond. The church in this region of Africa has grown exponentially in the last two or three generations and has claimed a central role in solving the region’s societal problems. The enormous growth has also left churches in need of trained pastors who can lead …
In his work as partnership liaison, the bulk of Victor’s time is spent providing consultative support for the witness of the church to issues of religion and state in the Arab world. Victor and Sara view their call to be primarily one of presence and support with our partners. “Maintaining the bonds of relationship with the Christian community, and giving substance to the fellowship we have together in the body of Christ is very important,” say Sara and Victor. Sara edits English language publications produced by the Diyar Consortium which is an ecumenically oriented organization initiated by the Christmas Lutheran …
Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-worker The Rev. Esther Wakeman. The card includes a photo of her and an overview of her work. Esther is vice-president for spiritual and community life at Payap University in Chiang Mai, the first Christian university in Thailand. “This is a time of great social stress and change, and the privilege of helping prepare young leaders for the country is a great responsibility and honor,” she says. “Most of our staff and students are not Christian, but we live and work together in an educational institution established in the name …
Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-workers the Rev. Gordon and Dorothy Gartrell. The card includes a photo and overview of their work. Gordon and Dorothy work in partnership with the United Presbyterian Church of Brazil in ministries of church planting and leadership training in Bahia, Brazil. They are helping a small church grow through a ministry of leadership development. Once that church is stronger, they will begin work in church planting. They realize this is a long process, but their patience is fueled by a strong love for the Brazilian people. “We are called to share …
Use this card as you pray for mission co-worker John McCall. This card includes a photo and overview of his work. John supports pastors of the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan (PCT) in a country where only 3 percent of the population is Christian. Outreach in Taiwan can be challenging and the possibility of burnout is high. In groups, John and the pastors pray, read Scripture, and dream. They encourage each other to be faithful and visionary leaders. John also works with the native Taiwanese (aboriginals) who have been most open to the gospel, but also the most marginalized people …
Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-worker Rev. Joshua Heikkila. The card includes a photo and overview of his work. Josh is the PC (USA)’s regional liaison for West Africa, where he facilitates partner relationships, implements regional strategies and supports the work of other mission personnel. “When we strive to live together as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, our faith is deepened and strengthened, despite our cultural differences, and we become better disciples of Jesus Christ,” Josh says. “In partnership, not only do we learn how the Holy Spirit has given us gifts to use for …