Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-workers Jed and Jenny Koball. The card includes a photo of them and an overview of their work. Jed and Jenny’s ministry has impact both in Peru and in the United States. Jed accompanies the Joining Hands network in Peru as they identify and interpret root causes of poverty in Peru, such as mining contamination, global warming, and unfair trade agreements. In this capacity, Jed facilitates the relationship between the Joining Hands network in Peru and PC(USA) congregations as they develop strategies together to address these daunting problems. Jenny coordinates the …
Use this card as you pray for Jeff and Christi Boyd. The card includes a photo and an overview of their work. As regional liaison for Central Africa, Jeff Boyd facilitates support for the relationships, programs and activities of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) partners in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea. He also resources PC(USA) mission personnel and helps connect partner churches with PC(USA) congregations that want to be involved in ministry in the region. Besides the Congo, Christi works in three other French-speaking African countries, Madagascar, Niger, and Rwanda, and one non-French-speaking country, South Sudan. She …
Use this card as you pray for mission coworkers Jeremy and Luta Garbat-Welch. This card includes a photo and overview of their work. Luta serves as a community health facilitator in Malawi, where she is based, and in four other African countries, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Zambia. She helps African partners develop sustainable community health programs. Jeremy, a clinically-trained hospital chaplain, shares his expertise with Presbyterian clergy in Malawi. “We are called to serve God by living holistic lives of faith and health, and sharing God’s message of wholeness to others,” they write. …
Use this card as you pray for mission co-worker Rev. Jo Ella Holman. This card includes a photo and overview of her work. As regional liaison, Jo Ella cultivates and nurtures the PC(USA)’s relationship with mission partners in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica and with other church partners in the Caribbean through CANACOM, the Caribbean and North American Commission on Mission. Jo Ella shares their stories with congregations in the United States and also shares with partners what she has learned in years of ministry in Latin America and elsewhere through Presbyterian World Mission. In addition, she is …
Jesus instructed us to feed and care for his sheep. My call is to care for those youth and adults in Ho, Ghana. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana programs help youth get an education that are no longer in formal school. Skills-training programs are also supported by John at the Evangelical Presbyterian Activities Center, which educates girls who have dropped out of school. Through the Shepard Center of Aging, a church-based social center that engages older adults who live alone in the community, John serves as in informal counselor and companion to the older adults who come to the center …
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Use this card as you pray for Mission Co-workers Jonathan and Emily Seitz. The card includes a photo and overview of their work. Jonathan and Emily serve at Taiwan College and Theological Seminary at Taipei, helping to prepare leaders for the Taiwanese church. Jonathan serves the school as professor of theology and missiology. The seminarians he prepares for ministry typically begin their ministries in Taiwan’s small, rural churches. In addition, he teaches lay leaders as part of the seminary’s Lay Academy and pastors who return for continuing education.
Use this card as you pray for mission co-worker José Lamont Jones. This card includes a photo of him and a description of his ministry in Guatemala. In a country in which the PC(USA) church partners have a long-standing commitment to transforming lives through education, José assists the Presbyterian Community of Kinshasa (CPK) education department in the development, support and implementation of strategic plans to expand and strengthen the churches’ primary and secondary education programs. José works closely with PC(USA) mission initiators engaged in this work, seeking to facilitate their active involvement with the CPK in achieving its goals …
Use this card as you pray for José Manuel Capella-Pratts and Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri serving Christ as Regional Liaisons to the Caribbean. As regional liaisons, Vilmarie and José Manuel serve as facilitators to support partner programs, relationships, mission personnel, and activities with World Mission partners in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and the Caribbean & North American Council for Mission (CANACOM). They serve as resource people for connection with other ecumenical bodies in the region in conjunction with Presbyterian World Mission, and a resource for connection with mid councils and congregational partnerships working within the region.
Use this card as you pray Joseph Reginald Russ serving Christ in El Salvador as Coordinator for Migration Issues, Advocacy and Mission with the Northern Triangle. As Coordinator for Migration Issues, Advocacy and Mission with the Northern Triangle Joseph is working with the Calvinist Reform Church in El Salvador and their non-profit arm, Alfalit. He will support them by strengthening a network of partners working on migration issues in the Northern Triangle. Based on the experiences of migrants and local partners themselves, we can join them in solidarity as U.S. churches and individuals advocate for policies that support migrants and …