As written by the Rev. Joseph Small in the introduction, "The Confession of 1967 notes that God's reconciling work in Jesus Christ and the church's mission of reconciliation are the heart of the gospel in any age, but 'our generation stands in peculiar need of reconciliation in Christ.'"
The 197th General Assembly (PCUSA, 1985) made its own the action of the 177th General Assembly (PCUS, 1977) with reference to A Declaration of Faith which is as follows: "That 'A Declaration of Faith' be adopted as a contemporary statement of faith, a reliable aid for Christian study, liturgy, and inspiration . . . " (Minutes, PCUS, 1977, Part I, p. 168), with the understanding that only the current Book of Confessions has constitutional standing.
by Charles Wiley
A "Church Issues" paper by Charles Wiley exploring the restorative potential of discipline in the church. Wiley frames the use of formal, legal discipline in light of the everyday practice of Christians helping each other grow in Christ.
by Sheldon Sorge
The author goes to the sources, exploring impulses to unity within the reformed tradition. Dr. Sorge's reading of Calvin, set within the context of Ephesians 4, shows that concern for theological integrity and commitment to the church's unity are not at odds. To the contrary, it is theological integrity that is the ground for preserving the unity of the church.
The Korean version of the study catechism approved by the 210th General Assembly (1998) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
for disaster response volunteers, first responders and disaster planners
Published by National Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster, 2006
By William C. Placher
Occasional Paper #3 — What happened in American theology during the quarter century between "The Confession of 1967" and "A Brief Statement of Faith"? The author examines the dynamics of theologies of liberation, the intellectual disestablishment and mainline Protestantism and developments in other disciplines as well as the disastrous split between theology and the church.
The confirmation version of the study catechism approved by the 210th General Assembly (1998) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), with biblical citations added for reference.
The confirmation version of the study catechism, approved by the 210th General Assembly (1998) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
by Cynthia M. Campbell and J. Fredrick Holper
Occasional Paper #6 contains keynote addresses delivered by Dr. Cynthia Campbell, president of McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, Ill., and Dr. J. Frederick Holper of Union Theological Seminary, Virginia, at the Festivals of Worship to introduce the Book of Common Worship (1993). The authors underscore the communal nature of Christian faith, which necessitates "common worship."