Day 2 at the Financial Resources Committee was light on items of business but heavy on discussion and discernment, much of it concerning the weighty matter of unifying the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) with the Office of the General Assembly (OGA).
Saving for Saturday two potentially contentious issues, the Moving Forward/Vision 2020 on Friday approved with some amendments five of the eight items contained in MOV-02, the report of the Moving Forward Implementation Special Committee.
El Comité de Coordinación del Ministerio votó el viernes para recomendar que la próxima Asamblea General se lleve a cabo en un formato híbrido con reuniones del comité en línea y plenarias en persona.
루이빌 - 총회 조직체 정책 및 절차위원회는 기도와 묵상으로 아침을 시작했고, PAP-01, PAP-02, PAP-19 헌의안에 관한 30 분간의 소그룹 토론을 시작했다.
El Comité de Política y Procedimientos de las Entidades de la Asamblea General comenzó la mañana en oración y reflexión antes de entrar en 30 minutos de discusión en grupos pequeños en torno a las propuestas PAP-01, PAP-02 y PAP-19.
사역 조정위원회는 투표를 하여, 온라인 위원회 회의와 대면 본회의가 혼합된 형식으로 다음 총회를 진행할 것을 건의했다.
The General Assembly Entity Policy and Procedures Committee began the morning in prayer and reflection before going into 30 minutes of small group discussion around overtures PAP-01, PAP-02 and PAP-19.
In just about every General Assembly Committee, effusive praise has been poured on the Young Adult Advisory Delegates, who often bring a perspective not otherwise brought by commissioners.
“What was Mary’s favorite nickname for baby Jesus, or Jesus as a toddler?” asked the Rev. Dr. Justin Reed. This was the opening question at Thursday’s Adult Bible Study at the Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Music and Worship Conference.
A Presbyterian pastor is coordinating an effort to protect the Chaco Culture National Historical Park in northwest New Mexico.