The winter storms themselves or torrential rains alone probably wouldn’t have had a huge impact. But combined, they left a trail of destruction it will probably take years to clean up in Eastern Kentucky.
Far too much of the literature on leadership tells the story of heroic individuals creating their success by their own efforts. Such stories fail to recognize the structural obstacles to thriving faced by those in marginalized communities. If young people in these communities are to grow up to lives of purpose, others must help create the conditions to make that happen.
For Magha Garcia, farming is how she honors her ancestors. “Everything I learned about agriculture came through my great-grandparents, grandparents and parents,” she said. “These people worked so hard, and what they were paid for their crops was so little, it makes me really sad.”
Hannah L. Drake’s “Do Not Move Off the Sidewalk Challenge” says a lot about allowing people to flourish in whatever body God gave them.
The Board Bulletin is published after each regular meeting of the Board of Directors of The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and represents key information and actions taken that affect plans and programs administered by the Board of Pensions.
As we begin the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are reasons for hope, including vaccines approved for emergency use authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Yet even 95% efficacy for a vaccinated individual means that, statistically, 19 out of 20 people are effectively covered against becoming seriously ill from coronavirus, but 1 in 20 is not.
“I’m a proud legacy keeper.” For Robin Hickman-Winfield, she’s not keeping just any legacy. She is the great-niece of Gordon Parks, the renowned photographer, filmmaker, visual artist and musician.
Hickman-Winfield, an arts and education activist in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, shared her perspective on the theme “Decolonizing Our Images” during the March broadcast of “Good Medicine,” hosted by the Rev. Gregory Bentley and Ruling Elder Elona Street-Stewart, Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly (2020).
Fui privilegiado en servir en la facultad del Seminario Teológico de Columbia cuando la Rvda. Dra. Laura Mendenhall fue llamada a servir como nuestra novena presidenta. En su primera reunión oficial con la facultad, describió su estilo de liderazgo. Explicó que ella ve el conflicto como algo que ocurre en forma natural entre personas que son reflexivas y apasionadas. A través de los años, ella ha descubierto que cuando el conflicto surge, ella tiende a acercarse
I was privileged to be serving on the faculty of Columbia Theological Seminary when the Rev. Dr. Laura Mendenhall was called to be our ninth president. In her first official meeting with the faculty, she described her leadership style. She explained she sees conflict as something that naturally occurs among people who are thoughtful and passionate.
내가 콜럼비아 신학교의 교수로 재직하고 있을 때, 로라 멘덴홀 박사가 제 9대 총장으로 부임했다. 교수진과의 첫 공식 회의에서 그녀는 자신의 리더십 스타일을 설명했다. 갈등이란 사려 깊고 열정적인 사람들 사이에서 자연스럽게 일어나는 것으로 본다고 그녀는 설명했다. 갈등이 생기면, 자신이 몸을 기울여 다가가는 경향이 있음을 시간이 흘러 깨달았다고 했다. 그녀는 다른 사람들이 자신에게 동의하지 않을 때 흥미를 느끼고 상대방의 관점을 더 잘 이해하려고 한다.