“October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month,” Ruling Elder Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri, Co-Moderator of the 223rd General Assembly (2018), said as she greeted worshipers during Wednesday’s online chapel service.
Ellashia Spaulding is a committed lifelong member of Memorial Presbyterian Church in Roosevelt, New York, and is doing great things in her community.
For the people of Greater Pochalla, survival hangs in the balance. Once the food basket of South Sudan, decades of conflict have unraveled the region’s fabric of society that ensured the population’s self-reliance through farming, fishing and trade.
The PC(USA) is joining in calls for support of legislation to grant temporary protected status (TPS) to Cameroonian nationals in the United States.
The Princeton Theological Seminary community held a library dedication service Wednesday to name one of its most visible and revered buildings on campus after alumnus Theodore Sedgwick Wright, class of 1828, who was a prominent abolitionist and pastor. An unveiling of the entrance revealed “Wright Library” etched in stone.
Several years ago, I was honored to be the keynote speaker at a weekend youth retreat for the Presbytery of the Cascades. We met at a beautiful retreat center outside of Portland, Oregon. As the young people and adults gathered on Friday evening, I met Marissa, a high school freshman who was paraplegic. She was quiet and a bit shy and moved around well in her wheelchair. I told her I was so glad she was with us for the weekend.
Hace varios años, tuve el honor de ser el orador principal en un retiro juvenil de fin de semana para el Presbiterio de Cascades. Nos reunimos en un hermoso centro de retiro en las afueras de Portland, Oregón. Cuando los jóvenes y adultos se reunieron el viernes por la noche, conocí a Marissa, una estudiante parapléjica de primer año de secundaria. Era tranquila y un poco tímida, y se movía bien en su silla de ruedas. Le dije que estaba muy contento de que estuviera con nosotros el fin de semana.
몇 해 전, 나는 캐스케이드 노회의 주말 청소년 수련회의 기조 연설자가 되는 영예를 경험한 적이 있다. 우리는 오리건 포틀랜드 근교의 아름다운 수련센터에서 만났다. 청소년들과 어른들이 금요일 저녁 모였을 때, 나는 하반신 마비를 가진 고교 신입생이었던 머리사를 만났다. 그녀는 조용하고 다소 수줍어했는데 휠체어를 타고 생활하는 데 익숙했다. 나는 주말에 그녀가 우리와 함께하게 되어 기쁘다고 말했다.
A Thursday afternoon presentation about “Benefit Strategies for the Changing Church” was shared with attendees at the Polity, Benefits, and Mission Conference.
Board of Pensions leaders and the General Presbyter of Northeast Georgia Presbytery focused on special Board programming that supports pastors, congregations, and mid councils throughout the PC(USA). Two-hundred and thirty people attended the plenary via Zoom.
To end systemic poverty, we first must understand its root causes by asking good questions. In Latin America and the Caribbean, two good questions to ask are, “How is the land used?” and “How are the people who live on that land treated?”