Meaningful worship doesn’t necessarily rely on the traditional Presbyterian Sunday morning centerpiece — a well-crafted and carefully-exegeted 20-minute sermon.
The Rev. Dr. Whitney and Amy Dempsey have a decorative wooden sign hanging in the hallway of their home in Colorado. It’s a Japanese proverb that they both feel summarizes the essence of the work they do: “The sun setting is no less beautiful than the sun rising.”
The eventual idea to provide Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations with a video worship service for use after Easter this year came to the Rev. Katie Barrett Todd in the playroom of her house, which is just above the garage.
En un fresco domingo por la tarde en Arizona, los compañeros de trabajo Miriam Maldonado Escobar y el Rvdo. Mark Adams se reunieron con un grupo de cristianos en la frontera entre Agua Prieta, México y Douglas, Arizona, para una peregrinación de oración en solidaridad con el movimiento "Ni otro pie" para pedir el fin del muro fronterizo masivo que abarca toda la frontera sur de los Estados Unidos.
On a cool Arizona Sunday evening, mission co-workers Miriam Maldonado Escobar and the Rev. Mark Adams gathered with group of Christians on the border between Agua Prieta, Mexico, and Douglas, Arizona, for a prayer pilgrimage in solidarity with the “Not Another Foot” movement to call for an end of the massive border wall spanning the entire Southern border of the United States.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, ecumenism is alive and well in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). As the pandemic has forced churches and other non-profit agencies to find new ways to approach this work, the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the PC(USA) says the denomination must also engage with its partners to find new ways to carry out the mission.
Pastors and Christian educators from around the country as well as Canada and the United Kingdom joined for a webinar Monday to find out from one another how they’re creating community among the generations during the pandemic and, just as importantly, once it’s over.
A decade ago, Walter Brueggemann called the church to journey together for the good of our community through neighborliness, covenanting, and reconstruction in “Journey to the Common Good.” He distilled this challenge to its most basic issues: Where is the church going? What is its role in contemporary society? What lessons does it have to offer a world enmeshed in turbulent times?
새로 안수받은 미국장로교 사역 장로와 집사를 위한 교육 자료 서비스가 시작되었다. 이 자료는 교단 헌법 질문에 관한 이해를 돕기 위해 만들어졌다.
Ancianos/as gobernantes, diáconos y diaconisas recientemente elegidos y ordenados en la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) ahora pueden acceder a recursos que les guiarán en el conocimiento de las cuestiones constitucionales de la denominación.