Eternal God, sustainer, provider, God of all wisdom and knowledge,
Our spirits are weary, our faith quivers, our minds get clouded by news of sickness and death.
You know our thoughts before we express them, even the fears we dismiss, you know them.
We cannot hide our feelings and worries from you.
So, as we are, we come to You, Oh God, asking for wisdom, for clear minds and open hearts, for calm
and assurance that, through the crisis, You are present.
A prayerful reflection that we might grow to see the world and our fellow human beings throough eyes that see more the way God sees them.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) students seeking their first associate or bachelor’s degree are encouraged to apply now for scholarship awards through Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Financial Aid for Service at
From advocating for the people La Oroya in Peru to fighting for farmers’ rights in Haiti, Joining Hands has been an international force for change for the last two decades.
코로나바이러스의 지속적인 확산으로 인해 미국장로교 담당자들은 다가오는 224차 총회를 위한 최선의 방향을 결정해야 할 뿐만 아니라, 직원들, 이사회와 위원회 위원들 그리고 교회와 관련해 여행해야 하는 이들의 건강과 안전을 보장하기 위한 조치를 취해야 하는 상황이다.
I have the great privilege of working with the faithful team of Princeton Seminary leaders who are designing and implementing our plan for social distancing as a tool to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It is complicated, difficult work and must be done with great speed. We are also positioning ourselves to respond to the continual change we assume we will face for the coming days and weeks.
When African American activist James Forman presented The Black Manifesto in 1969, calling for $500 million in reparations for injustices against black people, he made it clear that he thought Christian churches were partly to blame for the oppression of his people.
Contemplación, Contemplando, Contemplativo. Para algunas personas, estas son palabras de consuelo. Un descanso de producir. El mero pensarla agrega oxígeno al alma. Para otras personas, produce un verdadero pánico. El terror de la quietud. Las cualidades desconocidas de «solo pensar». Sin embargo, la contemplación es un acto elástico; capaz de ser sostenido y practicado por personas escépticas y fanáticas,—en una reunión de la sesión, por un/a anciano/a gobernante solo/a, una persona joven, una familia, quien sea.
묵상, 숙고, 명상 어떤 사람에게 있어이것들은 위로의 단어입니다. 생산을 멈춥니다. 생각만 해도 영혼에 산소가 더해집니다. 다른 이에게는 그것은 순전히 공포를 가져다 줍니다. 고요함의 공포입니다. "그냥 생각함"의 알려지지 않은 모습입니다. 하지만 묵상은 신축성 있는 행동입니다. 회의론자든 지지자든, 당회에서나, 또는 장로가 혼자, 젊은이도, 가족도, 누구든지 열린 마음으로 실천할 수 있습니다.
Contemplation, Contemplating, Contemplative. For some, these are words of comfort. A break from producing. Just the thought adds oxygen to the soul. For others, it delivers sheer panic. The terror of stillness. The unknown qualities of “just thinking.” Contemplation, however, is a stretchy act; able to be held and practiced by skeptics and fans — in a session room, by a ruling elder all alone, a young person, a family, whomever.