Virtual gatherings have become the norm in 2020 and will be the case later this week when moderators, vice moderators, and moderators-elect from synods and presbyteries across the country gather online. For years, the annual Moderators’ Conference has been held in Louisville, just blocks away from the Presbyterian Center. The COVID-19 pandemic forced planners from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to move all their national meetings online for the remainder of the year.
One of the questions I hear most often from ruling elders is “Where are all the young people?” Within that, I hear lament, loss, and grief. These are healthy emotions. At the same time, it usually is not long before the conversation becomes “Young people just don’t make church a priority!” In that, I hear the less healthy feelings of disappointment, blame, and contempt.
사역 장로들로부터 가장 많이 듣는 질문 중 하나는 "젊은이들이 다 어디에 있습니까"입니다. 그 질문에서 저는 탄식, 상실, 슬픔을 듣습니다. 이는 건강한 감정입니다. 동시에 이는 곧 "도무지 젊은이들은 교회를 우선순위에 두지 않아요!"라는 대화로 이어집니다. 그 질문에서 저는 실망, 비난, 경멸과 같은 덜 건강한 감정을 발견합니다.
Una de las preguntas que escucho con más frecuencia de los ancianos gobernantes es "¿Dónde están todos los jóvenes?" En todo eso escucho lamento, pérdida y pena. Estas son emociones saludables. Al mismo tiempo, no suele pasar mucho tiempo antes de que la conversación se vuelque a "¡Los jóvenes no hacen de la iglesia una prioridad!" Ahí escucho sentimientos menos saludables de decepción, culpa y desprecio.
When I joined the foundation related to a small military school in Virginia, my boss, a retired U.S. Army colonel, made it clear. “If anyone wants to designate a gift, you say, ‘yes sir/ma’am and thank you.’’’ Not having been in the military myself, I thought this was a grand time to make a joke. “Well what if it’s for something silly, like basket weaving?” His look made it very clear, “Yes sir/ma’am and thank you” was the correct response.
In college, the Revs. Layne Bailey Brubaker and Abigail Spears Velázquez wore matching hats embroidered with the words ‘Sick & hAlarious.’ These expressions are endearing reminders of their visits with Abi’s grandmother and great aunt, who would frequently exclaim “sick” or “hAlarious” in response to one another’s stories about life in their retirement community.
The United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) will host an International Virtual Solidarity Forum from 8 a.m. through 10 a.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, Nov. 17.
The Rev. Stacy Smith says she has been “surprised by joy” as she looks back at the last five years of her life.
The Presbyterian Border Region Outreach conference drew to a close last weekend as most church conferences do — with closing worship and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, which in this case occurred on both sides of the wall in South Texas separating the United States and Mexico.
Ruling Elder Elona Street-Stewart, Co-Moderator of the 224th General Assembly (2020) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the synod executive of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies, will preach online at 12:15 p.m. Eastern Time Wednesday as part of the Vine Deloria Jr. Theological Symposium.