A number of faith leaders, including the Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, say they are outraged by President Donald Trump’s proposal to lower refugee admissions next year to 15,000. The president outlined his goal in a report to Congress last week.
The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour avant-garde film wasn’t well-received back in 1967. But its iconic status and concept proved stunningly successful in the middle of a 2020 pandemic.
More than 50 Christian educators, pastors, volunteers and others are taking part in a three-day virtual workshop “Dipping Deeper into the Well of PC(USA) Ministries,” Oct. 5–7. Sessions are focused on the formation of lifelong disciples who are grounded in the Reformed tradition and equipped for the work of evangelism, peacemaking, witnessing and working toward justice and equity for all God’s people.
More than 50 Christian educators, pastors, volunteers and others are taking part in a three-day virtual workshop “Dipping Deeper into the Well of PC(USA) Ministries,” Oct. 5–7. Sessions are focused on the formation of lifelong disciples who are grounded in the Reformed tradition and equipped for the work of evangelism, peacemaking, witnessing and working toward justice and equity for all God’s people.
Just off the coast of Turkey, the Moria Refugee Camp on the Greek island of Lesvos has become an important stop for migrants fleeing Syria, Afghanistan and other places around the world. After a massive fire at the Moria camp last month, the Greek government has notified Pikpa camp it must cease operations by Oct. 15.
Since 2015 the Communications Ministry of the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) has worked tirelessly to breathe new life into a previously little-known resource within the organization.
미국장로교 224회 총회 (2020)에서 공동 총회장을 맡았던 두 사람이 지난밤 레이크스-프레어리스 대회의 가을 총회에서 공식적으로 위임되었다. 위임은 이틀간의 회의를 마무리하면서 결정되었다.
엘로나 스트리트-스튜어트 장로는 레이크스-프레어리스 대회의 총무이며, 그레고리 벤틀리 목사는 앨러배마 주 헌츠빌의 펠로우십 장로교회의 목사다. 이들은 온라인 총회에서 선출되었고, 임명식도 온라인으로 치루어졌다. 미국장로교 총회 정서기 J 허버트 넬슨 목사는 이 예배에서 말씀을 전했다.
Los co-moderadores de la 224ª Asamblea General (2020) de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) fueron oficialmente instalados anoche durante la reunión de la asamblea de otoño del Sínodo de los Lakes and Prairies. La instalación se produjo al final de la reunión de dos días.
La anciana gobernante Elona Street-Stewart, ejecutiva del Sínodo de los Lakes and Prairies, y el Reverendo Gregory Bentley, pastor de la Iglesia Presbiteriana Fellowship en Huntsville, Alabama, fueron instalados, al ser elegidos, en una ceremonia en línea. El Reverendo Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, Secretario Permanente de la Asamblea General de la IP (EE. UU.), habló en el servicio.
The 85 or so Presbyterians studying the underpinnings of systemic poverty zoomed out to take in a more global perspective Monday, thanks to presentations by Valéry Nodem and the Rev. Jed Koball.
“Whatever the explicit public proclamations of white denominations and individual Christians, the public opinion data reveal that the historical legacy of white supremacy lives on in white Christianity today.”