A new readership study for Presbyterians Today (PT), the official denominational magazine of the PC(USA), offers an in-depth portrait of the publication’s recipients, their needs and interests, and their connection to the church. The survey, conducted by the PC(USA)’s Research Services office, was sent to 18,043 PT readers in March, and final findings were compiled and tabulated this summer.
The Presbyterian Church’s Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment has completed its first round of scoring corporations’ environmental records, finding some are making progress and others are at risk of potential divestment recommendations.
Westminster John Knox Press has published two newly revised resources by James E. Davidson for designing a yearlong Bible reading program
Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with a colleague to discuss the Black Lives Matter movement and how it connects to the church. I am in no way an expert on the entirety of the Black Lives Matter movement. However, I have been a social justice faith abolitionist for many years and share a perspective that is grounded in my belief in Jesus and the practical side of the justice God calls forth.
Anastasiia Rozykova, a Russian journalist who grew up in an agnostic family, is among 14 Presbyterian Peacemaking Program’s International Peacemakers. She came to faith during her university studies, after taking a course in world religions and reading about Martin Luther and his 95 Theses.
Last week, Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam announced the formal withdrawal of a controversial extradition bill that launched massive protests earlier this summer. But there is still considerable unrest.
Inside St. Nicholas Croatian Catholic Church in Millvale, Pennsylvania, are more than 20 murals painted by Croatian immigrant Maxo Vanka in the late 1930s and early ’40s. Many of the paintings depict the immigrant experience in America. There is one of St. Francis, though, that shows Vanka’s love of animals, especially his fondness of birds. In the painting, exotic birds can be seen encircling the patron saint of animals.
It’s that time of year again, when church starts ramping up after summer’s relaxed schedule. Youth rooms are filled with laughter, Sunday school finds everyone from toddlers to adults reunited with their favorite teachers, and the return of small groups elicits joy all around. These activities represent different aspects of lifelong Christian formation, one of the seven marks of church vitality that we’re exploring together this month. Our passage, Deuteronomy 30:15–20, sheds light on this mark as a lectionary selection for Sept. 8 — take time to read it now.
미국장로교회는 이번 주 텍사스 주 맥앨런에서 사망한 전직 총회장을 기억한다. 교회 장로인 윌리엄 H. 윌슨은 197차 총회 (1985)의 총회장으로 봉사했다.
“저는 그가 선출되었을 때 빌Bill을 처음 만났고 저는 TSAD [신학생 자문 대표]로 일하고 있었습니다. 그것은 우리가 새로운 미국장로교 로고에 투표한 총회였으며, 기억하듯이, 우리는 또한 장로교 투자 및 융자 프로그램이라는 이 신생 프로그램을 시작하기로 투표했습니다” 라고 안토니오의 미션 노회 총무인 샐리 와츤은 말한다. “Bill이 리더십을 맡았을 때 새로운 교단은 2년 밖에 되지 않았습니다. 그는 모든 회의를 진행했으며, 당시 우리가 필요로 했던 것이었습니다. 그의 지도력은 견고하고 강력했으며, 그의 총회가 끝나고 커빌에 있는 제일장로 교회는 다시 한 번 그 현명한 지도력의 수혜자였습니다. 우리는 그를 그리워할 것입니다.”
거의 20년 동안 빌마리 신트론-올리비에리Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri 사역장로는 고등학교 교실에서 학생들과 대화하고 학생들이 최고가 되는 미래를 준비하도록 도전했다. 이번 주, 미국장로교 223차 총회(2018)의 공동총회장은 교실에서의 경험과 그녀가 함께 한 교회와의 작업을 개강예배 설교자로서 컬럼비아 신학대학원에 갔다.
푸에르토 리코 대학교에서 교육학 학사 (제2외국어로서의 영어) 학위를 받았으며 투라보Turabo 대학에서 교육학 석사(교과과정 및 교육법)를 취득한 신트론-올리비에리 에게는 교육이 특히 중요하다.