To assist congregations with the preservation of church records, the Presbyterian Historical Society awards annual Heritage Preservation Grants to PC(USA) congregations, covering up to $500 of the cost to digitize official records.
The Presbyterian Mission Agency has created a scholarship fund to honor the name and legacy of the late Rev. Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon, a pioneer and legend in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Dr. Cannon succumbed to leukemia August 8, 2018.
미국장로교 총회 정서기 허버트 넬슨J. Herbert Nelson, II은 디앰버 클롭프톤 DeAmber Clopton을 총회 사무국 예산 관리자로 임명했다고 발표했다. 그녀는 9월 4일 새로운 작업을 시작한다.
이는 세인트 루이스의 223차 총회(2018)의 주요 사건 중 하나로 묘사되었다. 총회 정서기인 허버트 넬슨 J. Herbert Nelson, II 목사를 비롯하여 공동 총회장인 빌마리 신트론-올리비에리Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri 장로와 신디 콜맨Cindy Kohlmann 목사, 선교국장인 다이앤 마펫Diane Moffet 목사, 그리고 City Justice Center로 걸어간 수백 명의 장로교인 들이었다. 총회 개회예배에서 4만 7천 달러를 모금한 넬슨은 현금으로 보석금을 낼 여력이 없는 사전 선발 된 개인들을 구제하기 위해 기금을 현지 단체에 기부했다.
Eight newly elected national committee members to the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP), which empowers economically poor, oppressed and disadvantaged people through its Presbyterian and ecumenical partners, gathered in Louisville recently for a two-day orientation session.
장로교 역사 소사이티(PHS)는 클로린다 무어Clorinda Moore를 새로운 개발담당자로 환영했다. 그녀는 8월 13일에 새로운 일을 시작했다.
The Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) has welcomed Clorinda Moore as its new development associate. She began her new work here August 13.
Kim Shiley, PHS director of development, noted Clorinda's development background in an email to PHS staff announcing her hiring.
“Clorinda comes to PHS from her most recent position at the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, where she worked as membership coordinator,” Shiley wrote. “Her other development-related positions include the Mt. Cuba Center, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, and Winterthur.”
The Rev. Emily Zeig Lindsey, a colleague, Pennsylvania pastor and friend, summed up the importance of theological education beautifully in a video the Theological Education Fund shared in late 2017.
Growing up in South Africa, Bobby Musengwa couldn’t imagine coming to America to attend seminary. The path simply wasn’t visible to him — and he couldn’t imagine serving as a pastor. But it was his uncle’s friendship with Heath Rada, who later served as moderator of the 221st General Assembly (2014), that brought this possibility to light for him — and the mentoring community of professors, pastors, family and friends reinforced Musengwa’s call.
The country of Niger in West Africa is only one percent Christian, but “the faithful witness and long-term vision of these believers is great,” said Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission co-workers Michael and Rachel Ludwig, who have worked in mission and ministry alongside the Evangelical Church in the Republic of Niger (EERN) for more than four years.