With the mighty Ohio river as his backdrop, the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson took the congregation back 31 years ago, when the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. accepted an invitation to move its national offices to Louisville.
“Louisville said, ‘I’ll give you a building, down by the riverside, if you just come and you are the anchor building and anchor organization to make this city live again,” recalled Nelson, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PC(USA).
Saying too many nonviolent offenders are sitting in jail without the means to post bond, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring is calling on reforms to the state’s cash bond system. Appearing at a rally this weekend with more than 1,300 people, Herring said the cash bond practice raises constitutional concerns while placing a burden on the poor who could lose their jobs as well as family support services and drivers’ licenses.
The Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights group is seeking the release of more than 500 people from New York’s Rikers Island Correctional Facility. It’s part of a new initiative to shut down a bail system that many believe is unfair to minorities and the poor. The organization plans to raise $5 million for what it claims could be one the largest bailouts ever.
El grupo de derechos humanos Robert F. Kennedy está buscando la liberación de más de 500 personas de la instalación correccional de Rikers Island en Nueva York. Esto es parte de una nueva iniciativa para eliminar el sistema de fianzas que muchos creen que es injusto para las minorías y las personas pobres. La organización planea recaudar $ 5 millones por lo que podría ser uno de los rescates más grandes de la historia.
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights 그룹은 뉴욕의 Rikers Island 형무소로부터 500명 이상의 사람들의 석방을 모색 중이다. 많은 사람들이 소수 민족과 가난한 사람들에게 불공평하다고 생각하는 보석금 시스템을 폐쇄하려는 새로운 시도의 일부이다. 조직은 최대 규모의 구제 보석이 될 수 있다고 주장하며 500만 달러를 모을 계획이다.
이는 세인트 루이스의 223차 총회(2018)의 주요 사건 중 하나로 묘사되었다. 총회 정서기인 허버트 넬슨 J. Herbert Nelson, II 목사를 비롯하여 공동 총회장인 빌마리 신트론-올리비에리Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri 장로와 신디 콜맨Cindy Kohlmann 목사, 선교국장인 다이앤 마펫Diane Moffet 목사, 그리고 City Justice Center로 걸어간 수백 명의 장로교인 들이었다. 총회 개회예배에서 4만 7천 달러를 모금한 넬슨은 현금으로 보석금을 낼 여력이 없는 사전 선발 된 개인들을 구제하기 위해 기금을 현지 단체에 기부했다.
Se ha descrito como uno de los eventos más destacados de la 223ª Asamblea General (2018) en St. Louis. Cientos de presbiterianos, incluido el reverendo J. Herbert Nelson II, secretario general de la Asamblea General, las co-moderadoras Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri y la reverenda Cindy Kohlmann, y la directora ejecutiva de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión, la reverenda Diane Moffett, caminando hacia el Centro de Justicia de la ciudad. Con una recaudación de más de $ 47,000 recibidos en el servicio de adoración inaugural de la asamblea, Nelson entregó el dinero a las organizaciones locales para pagar fianzas a individuos que habían sido preseleccionados para su liberación ya que no podían pagar su fianza en efectivo.
It has been described as one of the major highlights of the 223rd General Assembly (2018) in St. Louis. Hundreds of Presbyterians, including the Reverend J. Herbert Nelson, II, General Assembly Stated Clerk, Co-Moderators Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri and the Reverend Cindy Kohlmann, and Presbyterian Mission Agency Executive Director the Reverend Diane Moffett, walking to the City Justice Center. With a collection of more than $47,000 received at the assembly’s opening worship service, Nelson turned the money over to local organizations to begin bailing out individuals who had been prescreened for release because they could not afford their cash bail.
In the weeks that have passed, local organizers like the Bail Project and the St. Louis Act Council have run into constant roadblocks as people who are released find themselves facing incarceration again at another local facility.