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In Spirit and Truth

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In Spirit and Truth seeks to encourage discussion and deeper consideration of representation issues in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It is hoped entries will prompt reflection and dialogue on aspects of expanding representation and supporting full participation in the PCUSA, especially at the assembly and mid council levels.  

This blog will occasionally feature content written by one of the fourteen members of the General Assembly Committee on Representation, who are church members, ministers (teaching elders) and ruling elders from across the country, as well as links and articles of particular interest. The ministries of advising, consulting, advocating, promoting inclusion, reviewing and recommending actions are vital to the life of the whole Body of Christ. Committees on Representation and/or their functions exists at all councils above session so from time to time we may highlight activities and insights from sister committees on representation at lower councils throughout the church.  

Any views or opinions presented in this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. or the General Assembly Committee on Representation.
Author/Facilitator Molly Casteel is an Assistant Stated Clerk and the Manager for Equity and Representation in the Office of the General Assembly.  She is a teaching elder (a.k.a. Minister of Word and Sacrament) in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary.

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Posts with category: Cultural proficiency

August 23, 2014

What is the Church to do with #Ferguson, #MichaelBrown and #HandsUpDon’tShoot?

Friday afternoon staff gathered in the Chapel at the Presbyterian Center for a conversation. One of the outcomes was a request to write up the process we used and to share it. 

Image is a worn red brick wall with "No Justice No Peace" written across it in white graffiti style lettering (all caps)The invite said this:

What is the Church to do with #Ferguson, #MichaelBrown and #HandsUpDon’tShoot?

Come to the Chapel on Friday, August 22 at 2pm for an all-staff conversation

“You aren’t going to fix 400 years with a prayer” said this week by a man working at Greater St. Mark’s Church, a gathering place for the community.  As people of faith we believe prayer matters – but words …

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June 5, 2014

How Do We Measure Participation?

Have you ever wondered what participation looks like in real time at General Assembly? Are you attending GA221 in Detroit? Do you enjoy seeing the church do its work in committee?logo has a large circle with Detroit and GA 221 prominently centered, around the periphery is the longer official title of the General Assembly

We are recruiting observers of committee business during the 221st General Assembly (2014). We've learned that we need a full diversity and representation in the observers - everyone sees and hears the action before them a little differently. The more observers, the better picture we get of what's happening in participation.

It is said that a group working in committee is like making sausage. We are looking for …

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July 16, 2012

White Privilege.

Privilege, Power and Policy: The Church as Employer, the report of the Climate for Change Task Force to the 220th General Assembly (2012) was adopted with slight amendment suggested by the task force itself.  The report may be found here: until it is prepared for final publication.  The GACOR commends it to you and gives thanks to those who served on the task force and to the assembly for adopting its work.

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